It’s opening night morning for the world premiere of “Popular Monsters.”

Which means I wake up full of wonder and appreciation for those good people who have devoted their time and talents to bringing life to my words.

Their task–and, in this case, it’s a task I believe this quartet and their director and crew have done very well–is to erase the page. Good acting hides the writer. It turns ink and paper into in-the-moment reality. It doesn’t merely give writers what they wanted. It enhances in ways writers could not imagine. And this writer is very happy to vanish in their creation.Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table and indoor

I now not only know what Creighton and Shawna and Greg and Elsa say and do, I know who they are.

I hope you get a chance to come live in their world. I’m full of wonder and appreciation, too, for those who are open to new theatrical experiences.Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

If you are out of geographic reach, I hope you find a new play near you that has been given this much thought and care by its adoptive parents.

If you happen to be in the neighborhood, here’s ticket info.